User Empathy Maps :

User Pain Points :

User Personas :

User Stories : A fictional one sentence story told from the persona’s POV to inspire and inform design decisions (aka scenario or use cases)

Goal - expands on a persona and deepens your understanding of a user group

Structure - Hero + goal + Conflict

Benefit - prioritize design goals, unite the team, inspire empathetic design decisions, personalize pitches to stake holders

“As a Type of User I want to Action so that benefit”

As a type of user (who), I want to action (what) so that benefit (why).

Happy Path : A user story with a happy :) ending - easy for the majority of normal users to follow

Edge Case Users : A rare situation or unexpected problem that interrupts a standard user experience

User Journey Maps : the series of experiences a user has on their way to achieving a goal

Accessibility is the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. Designing for accessibility is about considering all users’ journeys, keeping their permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities in mind. By researching how people with disabilities interact with products like yours, you can better understand how to design for them. It’s not possible to accurately guess all the ways that a user might experience your product, which is one reason why including people with disabilities in your research is so important.

The curb cut effect: is the concept that describes how products and policies designed for people with disabilities often end up helping everyone

User Problem statement: a clear description of the users needs that should be addressed